希望傳遞給未來的新背包客們在澳洲工作時最真實的酸甜苦辣 :)
1. ABC學生名字:Betty
2. 第一份工作找了多久:1週
3. 最想分享的工作:front counter - order taking, cashing handing, food preparing & serving and general cleaning
4. 薪水:$12.00/一小時
5. 如何找到這份工作:自己投履歷
6. 工作心得分享:
never complain but think about why the boss should hire you.
Always remember -- there are so many people want to do your job.
Nothing is fair in the world, so....accept or go away, that's it. :)
如果你覺得文章很棒,請按讚或留言鼓勵我們唷 :)
澳洲打工渡假 Ray&Amber的八十八個自問自答(Working holiday visa FAQ)
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